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Great Basin College 
1500 College Parkway
Elko, Nevada (USA) 89801 

Spring Commencement information graphic.

澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 毕业 信息

祝贺澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载2022-23届毕业生! 在YouTube上观看2023年埃尔科Commencement!

找到你正在寻找的主题,包括: Commencement, 毕业 Regalia, 应用程序, Continuing Students, 文凭, 毕业 以优异的成绩, 毕业 Requirements.


2023年夏季Commencement, 2023年秋季, 2024年春季毕业生将于2024年5月举行. 有关最新信息,请参阅本页. 当我们有更多信息时,我们将更新此页面.

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毕业 Regalia

毕业徽章需要在Commencement前购买. 定制毕业通知和毕业服装可以在这个地点被订购 Caps, gowns, honor cords, and Phi Theta Kappa stoles are also available through the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 书店. 更多信息请联系澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载书店,电话775-753-2270.

  • 学士学位毕业的学生将需要绿色的帽子和长袍.
  • Students graduating with an Associate level degree or a certificate will need a black cap and gown.
  • 以优异成绩毕业的学生也需要购买 appropriate honor cords and/or stoles.


Each student seeking a degree or a certificate of achievement is required to submit a 毕业 应用程序 to 招生 and Records.  Multiple degrees/certificate of achievements require additional graduation 应用程序s, (i.e. one degree per 应用程序). The 应用程序 fee is $20.00美元(外加15美元).如果你想把你的文凭邮寄给你,你需要支付100美元的邮费。. Students enrolled in their last required class(es) should apply at the beginning of that semester.

如果转换学分适用于学位/证书要求, official transcripts from that institution must be received by 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 招生 and Records by the time of 应用程序 for graduation.

应用程序 Deadlines:

  • Fall Semester – October 15
  • Spring Semester – March 15
  • Summer Semester – July 1

Continuing Students

Students who continue taking classes at 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 after a degree or certificate is finalized should be aware that their degree status may be changed to non-degree seeking. Students who plan to strive toward a different degree or certificate should declare this in the space provided on the graduation 应用程序. 这对申请金融资助的学生来说尤其重要 aid; failure to declare a new degree could result in revocation of financial aid funds.


Students should legibly print their name on the graduation 应用程序 exactly as they would like it to appear on their diploma. Successfully completed degrees/certificates will be posted to the students’ official transcripts approximately 6-8 weeks after the end of the graduating semester in which the 应用程序 was filed. Printed 文凭 will be sent to the nearest 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 campus for students to pick up in-person unless the $15 postage fee is paid at time of 应用程序. If the postage fee is paid, 文凭 will be sent via certified mail to the mailing address provided by the student on the 应用程序. 如果邮寄地址发生变化,请务必联系招生和记录部.

如需补领文凭,请使用文凭申请表. 从2013年及以后可以打印替代文凭. 一辆车的成本 补发文凭的费用是20美元,包括邮资.

毕业 以优异的成绩

The Commencement Program 荣誉 will be based on cumulative grade point averages through the previous fall semester. Honors will be posted on student transcripts with the degree/certificate designations based on grades including the student's final semester.

  • 优等生-累积平均绩点3分.50 to 3.69
  • 优异成绩:累积平均绩点3分.70 to 3.89
  • 最优等生-累积平均绩点3分.90及以上*

* Bachelor's degree students will also need to earn an A in the program Capstone course to graduate Summa Cum Laude. Students with a 3.90 or higher who fail to earn an A in their capstone will graduate Magna Cum Laude.

获得荣誉:为一名合伙人获得荣誉称号 degree or certificate of achievement, 学生必须在澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载修满30个学分, excluding developmental and community education courses.

  • 要获得学士学位的荣誉称号, 学生必须修满30个高年级学分 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载.
  • 从其他院校转来的学分则不适用 用于计算平均绩点.
  • 校内学分的数量不包括通过以下途径获得的学分 非传统信用或通过考试的信用程序.

毕业 Requirements

For Associate/Certificate Programs:
Graduating from 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 with an associate’s degree or certificate program requires all of the following:

  • Completion of all courses in a prescribed associate’s degree or certificate program (a minimum of 60 credits for an associate’s degree and 30 credits for a certificate). 您可以选择当前目录中描述的程序 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载目录, 你初次注册时的澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载目录, 或者是你正式宣布学习项目的年份, 前提是在毕业时目录不超过6年. (您不能使用逐年的目录组合. 如果你在完成课程的过程中有重大的中断, you should follow the current catalog.)对于有单独申请过程的程序, 目录年份将由您接受该计划的日期决定.
  • 在澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载居住期间完成至少15个学期学分, regardless of the number of semester hours completed elsewhere and transferred to 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载. 注意:学院将接受最多15个学分 non-traditional education (e.g.军训、POST、工作经历等.) and up to 30 credits can be earned by examination (e.g.、CLEP、大学先修课程、挑战考试). 然而, non-traditional or challenge credit is not applicable to all degrees and such credits do not apply to the 15 credit 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 residency requirement.
  • 累积平均绩点(GPA)不低于2分.0对4.0规模. 你的累积GPA是基于你在澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载获得的总学分. Your cumulative GPA is determined by combining the points received for all your 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 courses and by dividing that total by the number of semester hours credited.
  • Completion and filing of an 应用程序 for 毕业. If you are a candidate for a degree or a certificate, file your 应用程序, submit the $20.00 fee (plus a $15.如果你想把你的文凭邮寄给你的话,邮费是100美元),然后就可以开始处理了.
  • Complete fulfillment of all financial obligations with the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 图书馆 and the Controller’s Office.

If you fail to meet degree/certificate 需求 by the end of the semester following your 应用程序, 提交一份新的申请并偿还20美元.以后毕业日期的申请费.

For Baccalaureate Programs:

  • 完成规定学位课程的所有课程. You may elect to graduate under the catalog of the year of acceptance into a baccalaureate-level program or the year of graduation. Students who change their major must choose the catalog of the year of the latest change of major or the year of graduation. Whichever catalog is used, it cannot be more than 10 years old at the time of graduation.
  • 达到专业所要求的累积平均成绩, 以及特定课程的最低分数, as specified by the course catalog.
  • Completion of at least half the number of credits required for a baccalaureate degree at a 4-year institution. A minimum number of 120 total credits is required, 42 of which must be upper division. 要确定具体的学分要求,请参阅您选择的学位课程.
  • 在澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载完成至少32个学分, regardless of the number of semester hours completed elsewhere and transferred to 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载. Challenge exam credit and other non-traditional credits to do not apply to the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 residency requirement.
  • 完成并提交毕业申请. If you are a candidate for a degree or a certificate, file your 应用程序, submit the $20.00 fee (plus a $15.如果你想把你的文凭邮寄给你的话,邮费是100美元),然后就可以开始处理了.
  • Complete fulfillment of all financial obligations with the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 图书馆 and the Controller’s Office.

If you fail to meet degree/certificate 需求 by the end of the semester following your 应用程序, 提交一份新的申请并偿还20美元.以后毕业日期的申请费.

For More 信息 Contact

Great Basin College 
1500 College Parkway 
Elko, Nevada (USA) 89801


Why Great Basin College

Great Basin College 想成为你接受高等教育的首选. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 offers associate and baccalaureate level instruction in career and technical education and academic areas. 大约4,000 students are enrolled annually online from across the country and on campuses and centers across 86,500 square miles, 两个时区, and ten of Nevada's largest counties. 我们与亚利桑那州、俄勒冈州、爱达荷州、犹他州和加利福尼亚州接壤. 我们是澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载!

We Are 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 graphic.
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